I made a site bout SSC and upcoming news on it. I might still post stuff on here but not often. its got vids, forums (duh), pics and sprites. If you have made your own sprites snd you want to post them just send them to me and i will post right away. It will mostly be about SSC but it will have other dicussions and on, like sprite projects and collabs on newgrounds. anyone is welcome, there will be no sexual or mature talk on the site, no stealing from others, no insulting or cursing others and no sexual videos on the site. all who do not follow these rules will be banned. no permission to join you may go ahead and join. go to the forum section, there will be a link that says sing in or register. all updates on the site or about SSC will be on the home page and forums.
SSC ep: 5 will be kind of a music video, well... kinda like the Sonic X games episode where it was the main character vs his evil brother. like that
ok i'll try to sign up again! ^__^